Hi Sofeng, Thanks for providing some very useful information about eclipse. I have a basic question for you. Can you tell me what tools do i need to compile and run an application on Vxworks board if i dont have wind-river workbench installed on my machine. I have eclipse available with me. -Jason
Windriver Workbench 3.1 Download
The TCF integration with Python allows writing TCF client and server programs in the Python programming lanugage.TCF Python code is stored in /python directory.TCF Integration with LuaThe TCF integration with Lua allows writing TCF client and server programs in the Lua programming lanugage.See TCF Lua Integration for details.Browsing Agent Source Code in CDTOn Linux, the default configuration from the CDT .project file included in TCFshould be fine for correctly browsing the agent source code.On Windows, open Project Properties of the agent project, and under C/C++ General >Indexer switch the configuration to "Win32 - Cygwin" or "Win32 - DevStudio"as needed.For VxWorks, browsing should be configured automatically through the WR WorkbenchKernel Module Project.Using TCF With Target ExplorerThe Target Explorer aims to create a lightweight but highly flexible and extensible remote system managementframework. The focus is on TCF remote system management, but is by no means limited to it. The Target Explorer comeswith full remote file system and remote process support, and allows to connect a terminal to the remote system usingTCF, SSH, Telnet and serial line.If building from source, import all org.eclipse.tcf.te.* plug-in's to enable the Target Explorer.Since Eclipse version 3.8, Target Explorer is available for download from main Eclipse p2 repository.The feature name is "Mobile and Device Development / Target Explorer, TCF".To connect a remote machine over TCF:
Plugins org.eclipse.tcf.debug and org.eclipse.tcf.debug.ui allow to start a debug sessionby connecting to a machine runnning TCF agent. Plugin org.eclipse.tcf.cdt.ui handles integration of the debugger with CDT UI.Since Eclipse version 3.8, TCF Debugger is available for download from main Eclipse p2 repository.The feature name is "Mobile and Device Development / Target Communication Framework, CDT Extender".To start a debug session over TCF:
Since Eclipse version 3.8, TCF-RSE is available for download from main Eclipse p2 repository.The feature name is "Mobile and Device Development / Target Communication Framework, RSE Extender".To connect a remote machine over TCF:
If a GNAT compiler was previously installed, check that any required changesto environment during GNAT installation have been done. As an exampleof such changes, the GNAT tools path should be added to the PATH environmentvariable. Otherwise, a GNAT compiler installation is requested and anyrequired changes to environment variables must be performed. When a newcompiler is installed, a workbench restart may be required to use thelatest environment.
If you choose to work with another perspective, note that it has been observed that if the C++test perspective is the first perspective opened after starting Workbench, some internal workbench build information will not be loaded. As a result, scanning the make file may not produce the desired results. The suggested approach is to switch to the default Application Development Workbench perspective (which allows Workbench to load its internal data) and then switch back to the C++test perspective to continue the analysis. This procedure should be performed every time you start Workbench for the given project. You should also ensure that you are in the Application Development perspective when you create new projects.
If this is a new install please click on the appropriate link below and simply follow the installation instructions. If you are a subscriber of an annual Support Contract and are downloading the maintenance package please review the email notification that you received regarding features of the upgrade package and if it is applicable install the upgrade. 2ff7e9595c